Continuing the sharing love program”New school for children”, AHCOM Charity Foundation together with Pink Heart Club made an extremely meaningful trip bringing love and compassion to a beautiful village of Son La province: Tom village (Ta Bo commune, Muong La district, Son La province) on April 10-11, 2018.

This journey is the beginning of a series of volunteer activities of the AHCOM Group charity fund in 2018. The trip aims to survey station to prepare the best plan for new school construction for children here.

Departing at 4am on April 10, after more than 8 hours of driving, the charity team went to the center of Muong La district. Ban Tom is a small village of Thai people, located on the other side of  Da river. Therefore, to enter the village must use boats. After more than 20 minutes on boat, the picture of destination also comes out clearly with special impression. The mountains are majestic consecutive. The trails are zigzag, endless forest ranges, old small stilt houses nestled in hills along the river. The children jokingly swim among cool water in warm clarity sunshine… Although matter is still very poor and wildlife but the scene and people blend together in a peaceful, beautiful way. It passes off all exhaustion of long distance, leaving only special love for this land.

To the wharf, taking a 15-minute walk on hilly roads filled with pebble stones is Tom village. Contrary to beauty of romantic hill scenes, in front of Team is an old and dilapidated nursery school, temporary roof with only canvas, even not enough to cover the roof, no WC, playground for the children are also full of stone pebble. Bewildered, curious and slightly timid eyes of children… Witnessing that scene, each member of the delegation had feelings can not express by words when faced with reality difficult, that before coming here they can not imagine all. Only visiting, listening, witnessing that can understand of difficulties, suffering, penury of highland people from that friendly living to set example and inspire for many people.

With enthusiastic reception of teachers together with people here, charity team visited, exchanged and gave gifts to children. The exchange took place in a warm atmosphere with opened sharing of teachers and people about difficulties in bringing knowledge to the village. Naive eyes and happy smiles on dirty faces of children when being handed small gifts, making each member in team more motivated to quickly complete a new school for them.

The charity team was also grateful and thankful for accompanying and support of the representative of Son La province, deputy education department of Muong La district, leader of Ta Bu commune, head of village, board of Tom village preschool. With the support from the authorities, the plan to build a new school of charity AHCOM Group has been approved. The new school is expected to be completed in June this year. This is really fun, happiness for not only teachers and people here but also each member of the delegation who always carry in their dreams of sowing seeds of love, kindness, compassion on all regions of the country.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Hop, representative of AHCOM charity said: One more charity program”New school for children” was added, which is more a result of endless efforts that members of the delegation have dedicated and work hard during past time. Through these charity activities, we want everyone to share more for community and society by passion and spirit of mutual affection together to create good practical and humanitarian values.

Tom village is small, poor at everything, except for “human love”. There are so many mixed feelings, so many things to be seen and heard, there are many things that can only be recorded with eyes and ears, but not cameras … or words can describe it all.

The trip ended with many feelings and memories for all members who will always remember friendly shake hands, lovely eyes, wine cups tightly affection of ethnic people here and most importantly that is the SMILES and BELIEFS in tomorrow.

Each trip is a story, and the story of this land is still being written …

Tom village – see you again!


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